The changelog of Sprint 90
Identity Verification
  1. A new customization page has been added for IDV.
    Partners can now select the type of request they want to send and simply click “Request a change.” Everyone can see the page, and it does not depend on permissions.image3
Risk Assessment
  1. Risk assessment recheck name and active table element scroll fixes were performed.
    There was a bug where an incorrect name was displayed in the risk assessment.
  2. A scroll fix was also implemented
    , bringing you to the wrong page when clicking back. This is now fixed.
Anti-Money Laundering
  1. Improved the Adverse Media PDF display when no data is found.
    Previously, the PDF returned a table that may have been confusing. Now, it returns a "no records found" message in a clearly formatted and displayed table.
Business Verification
  1. KYB Option to have verification in Lithuanian language. Partner can now select and use Lithuanian language to complete KYB verification either as default or by changing it.image6
  1. Minor tweaks to date filters to work better with timezones.
  2. An additional window was created to simplify login with SSO.
    If you have multiple accounts, you will now be able to choose which account to use. image1
  3. Login, Forgot username, Forgot password screen designs were updated.
  4. The active features list count is now displayed on the dashboard.
  5. All products and features page was created.
    This is a huge update, as our partners can now see all their features in one place. Furthermore, they will have explanations of what which features is for. They will also be able to order a new feature easily.image10
Mobile SDK
  1. A
    new slow internet connection warning message
    , which the person attempting IDV will receive on their mobile devices if they have slow internet. image9