The changelog of Sprint 82
Identity Verification
- Launched an AI Proof of Address functionality.This feature extracts data from the Proof of Address (POA), compares it with the data provided by the partner, and marks the POA as expired if it is older than 3 months. Furthermore, it reads and compares the non-Latin alphabet.
- Added a POA reupload field on the Identity Verification review page’s partner information card.This field will display when the Proof of Address has been resubmitted.
- Added validation to restrict editing information on the Identity Verification review page during manual review.This ensures that no information can be altered while the verification is still under manual review.
Business verification
- Improved texts on the Custom Flow to enhance understanding of the functionality.These revisions aim to make the functionality clearer and more user-friendly.
- Added tooltips and other UX improvements to the Risk Assessment section on the Custom Flow page.
Risk assessment
- Improved the risk assessment risk level adjustment feature.Risk levels can no longer overlap, and removed risk levels will be indicated with a “-”. Other UX enhancements have also been implemented.
- Added page pagination to the bottom of the page.This improvement enhances the user experience by making navigation easier.
- Implemented logs on the Settings -> Configuration page.This feature allows users to check which specific settings have been changed and by whom.